July 22, 2005


Here are some in-process shots of my work. Juan Gabriel is queer and a musical genius. Don't hate. Many layers of hilarity he provides.
"Diva de Juarez: Todo Un Senor" mixed media, 27" x 39", 2005.
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  I took up wood whittling late last year. These are "Broken Birds" and "Flying Daggers" in process.  Can't tell you the amount of blood loss and embedded in the grain of these owls.  Nor how yolked my forearms got carving these out of wood blocks.

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      Lastly here is my "Lyn May: Vedette de Altura" (mixed media, 4'X4ft, 2005) painting. If you've never seen Mexican fichera films, you probably don't know who it is. Google image search. Again, layers of hilarity. Word to the wise sequins are a bitch to use on paintings.

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