February 23, 2013

5 Color Cowgirl

      Johhny Granado of 5 Color Cowboy hair salon is thee best. He believes I can do anything. And in his presence, solely with his coddling (for a fleeting moment) I'll actually think all bad. So when asked to flesh out one of his ideas I of course said 'maybe then', took my sweet ass time and then finally delivered.

      Here she is, a saucy cowpoke.  Johnny provided the reference pic,  I freestyled some portions, body fat and details. From what I understand she'll be inserted into different scenes and mounted up top something hoofed, of the equine variety.  Go get your hurr done did or check out the rad David Choe murals at 5 Color Cowboiii. ;)

February 14, 2013

♥ Every day the 14th ♥

      As you can probably deduce from my lack of success and if you've followed this blog at all,  I'm always poor.  Like put off buying body wash for a couple weeks poor.  I had to use bar soap. 2013...bar soap? That's unheard of.   Sooo this Valentine's  day, Imma get busy! Busy... CRAFTING! (Don't be gross.)  See Valentine's day is not even that serious- for those that hate. And it's not all gimmicks & marketing ploys as I have proven with my homemade valentines that are from the heart.  I don't care none, I'll buy into any holiday that is of the chocolate covered or breaded shrimp dinner variety. You know I'm really just looking to bake something super cute and put together an oldies playlist.  
     Inspired by a pin I found in the well of time suck that is pinterest- where all truly good ideas come from. I made these heart shaped tea bags. (Don't be gross.) And if you were being disgusting may I refer you to the back of the label on these. 
Instructions: Carefully open up and empty a tea bag of your choice, cut into a whatever shape you want. Heart, dick shape, it's up to you. Start sewing it and before completely closing it put the tea leaves back.  Stitch on the tea string and add a lil anchor of your choice.

     Tea needs sugar, sugar that is MADE TO LOOK LIKE DIE! Not like sexy love dice. (Don't be gross.) Just some food coloring painted directly onto the cube.  The fun part in all this dee eye why valentine making was creating the packaging. I remixed some old timey valentines for all these. Thought it'd be cute to quote Ice CUBE, on the sugar CUBES. :)   
       I bought up the entire chocolate calculator inventory in Target's dollar (sometimes $3) section, there was only about 4 of em. Whipped up a wrapper.  If you click to enlarge you'll see my maturity exhibited on the calculator's display as well as a head nod to Chapelle Show, Souls of Mischief and math on the backside of the calculator.

       What else goes with tea? Honey. Wu tang killa bee HONEY or it can be substituted with trader joes organic raw honey. ;) Not seen! Our monogram made from flipped wu logos on top of the muslin.  There was a tag for the little laddle that didn't make the cut.  For good reason too, as I was quoting Salt 'n' Pepa's "Shoop".  You can go on rap genius and figure out the line or evoke your high school freshman self that can easily recite the whole song while rocking a flannel around your waist.  I'm really proud of this one, don't be afraid to use it for your wedding favors.  I would.

     Made this short clip of my gift all put together with the vine app.  It's so fun!  I placed  all my ♥ 's day creations into my hand painted little rude heart shaped box made to look like conversation hearts candy.  What you didn't see in the pictures above was a jar of hot chocolate mix with marshmallows dressed with a small embroidered heart, fun straw and a Diddy inspired "make it hot baby" label ... I should have scrapped that tag line along with the Shoop idea. ;/ Oh and the first thing you see is a reuseable hand heart warmer from target.

February 4, 2013

Sovereign Ink

       I have this pretty ridiculous piece up at my friend's new gallery space inside their art supply store- The Arsenal.  Check out the first show- strictly pen and ink pieces from a grip of artists.  If you missed the opening, they'll also be hosting closing receptions.  ANNND I'll have a solo show there this May, yay.

"...Valentine" ink on paper,  2013