My Dad is the hardest person to shop for, only because he's set in his ways and knows what he likes so there's little wiggle room. I created this list last year, of the default Dad's day gifts and it has stood the test of time. Since I recently blogged about Ma dukes, it's only right they get equal playing time. Here it is with some edits reflecting the past years evolution.
- Anything SF Giants or 49ers (gross, I know- still his only flaw)
Jim Carey, Mr Bean movies (now that he has DishTv, it's all about the DE PELICULA channel)
Boston baked beans (He's now all about strawberry sundaes in a cup, Coca Cola in a the glass bottle and Cajeta)
Cruz Azul merch (probably not a good idea, it's too soon, the loss in the finals probably still stings. Maybe just the Mexican National team new fit.)
- Something for his troka (usually from a gas station/truck stop...i.e air fresheners, pewter Santo or Virgen, accessories with sports insignia)
- Aviator sunglasses (or reading glasses, I think he buys a new pair every month.)
- Mexican Comedian Polo Polo CDs or Chico Che CDs
- I don't think it exists but a Gift card/season pass to el yonke (also known as "Pick your part" or Pick and pull")
Everyone really likes my Dad, he has a contagious laugh where his eyes disappear and he turns red. He's an awesome mechanic and an excellent ikea furniture builder. I love watching boxing and soccer with him because he's always so animated. I miss the days we'd carpool to work together and listen to oldies. I admire the confidence in his broken English and his ability to drive 10+ hours overnight and still party with some birria once we arrive. He doesn't even get mad when we make up different nick names for him. :)